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General1 min read

So...I graduated this weekend! Woo! Fun!

I don't think it has truly hit me yet. I think that I'm going to wake up someday relatively soon and be like's finally over...

All dramatic like. And then I'll keep on keeping on like I am right now.

I guess I should feel upset about the whole virus business cramping my style. I'm sure I'll be upset when I see my diploma. But in the meantime, I'll power through. We're all in this together.

Totally unrelated but also kinda related; I had a senior send-off meeting that would have probably been fine and not awkward for me if my entire family were not watching the meeting. Not that I'm embarrassed by them but if you get a group of electrical / computer engineers in a room, there's a lot of silence and it kinda reflects on me? IDK I'm self conscious and not a fan of cringe content.

L8r nerds


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