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General1 min read

US National Debt



For how much people talk about the national debt, there's not much information out there about it. Noticed that there isn't any publicly accessible API for people to perform any sort of analyses on, so I made one.

The source of this data comes from the US Treasury, but the API they pull their data from has CORS restrictions, so it's kinda useless IMO.

I've created an API passthrough that has permissive CORS headers using an AWS API Gateway passthrough. Not sure if that's kosher or not but I did it!

You can access the API here

Note: I am paying for this so if one of y'all decides to abuse this I will shut it down without hesitation. I will kill this baby if necessary.

UPDATE 2/16/2022: now provides a publicly available API for the US national debt as well as a lot of other public datasets here. Take a looksee!


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